It was fantastic to have so many IeDEA investigators present results from our regional and multiregional cohort analyses at the HIV Pediatrics Workshop and the IAS Conference on HIV Science, held in Paris in July. This research is facilitated by our working groups of global investigators committed to developing our research agendas around different topics.
Francois Dabis (far left, IeDEA West Africa) and Jeremy Ross (third from left, IeDEA Asia-Pacific) with the IAS 2017 Prevention Track Rapporteur
Nina Anderegg (IeDEA Southern Africa) presenting the IeDEA-COHERE analysis on CD4 at ART start
Marcel Yotebieng (IeDEA Central Africa) presenting collaborative work for CIPHER on adolescent outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa
IeDEA-related abstract presentations at HIV Pediatrics and IAS 2017 – Paris