The abstract submission for INTEREST 2020 is now open! INTEREST will be held in Windhoek, Namibia from May 5-8, 2020.
Abstract Submission Deadline: January 31, 2020
Abstracts accepted for oral or mini-oral presentation will be eligible for travel and accommodation support.
For more information visit Abstract Submission
Abstracts may be submitted in either English or French in one of the following topic areas:
- Antiretroviral treatment and HIV care
- Community/civil society engagement
- Epidemiology
- HIV co-infections, including hepatitis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted infections, and (re)emerging pathogens
- HIV prevention including HIV vaccines and antibodies
- Information technology innovations for HIV (mHealth, electronic records, social media, etc.)
- Knowledge translation to policy and programming
- New PrEP technologies and PrEP rollout
- Regulatory, ethical, and research conduct issues
- Basic science and HIV cure
- Economics, innovative financing, development goals
- Health system strengthening
- HIV and co-morbidities
- Implementation science, cost-effectiveness, and modelling
- Key Populations: prevention and treatment challenges
- Laboratory monitoring/diagnostics
- Paediatrics and prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT)
- Socio-behavioural research
- Structural determinants and interventions
- Stigma and discrimination
- Women and HIV