IWHOD Webinar Series – keeping the IWHOD spirit alive


26th April 2021     15:00 hrs – 16:00 hrs (BST)

How HIV has helped us respond to COVID: voices from the frontline

Simon Collins (HIV i-base, London) will be interviewing HIV experts taking a lead in the COVID-19 response:

Prof Karine Lacombe (Clinician at St Antoine Hospital, Paris)
Prof Andrew Boulle (Public Health specialist at University of Cape Town, Cape Town)
Prof Miguel Hernan (Methodologist at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston)
Prof Roger Kouyos (Modeller at University Hospital, Zurich)
Prof Julia Del Amo (Policymaker at Ministry of Health and Social Policy, Madrid)  
For more information and to register, please visit the IWHOD Website