We are pleased to welcome new leadership for IeDEA’s Working Groups. Marcel Yotebieng, co-PI of Central Africa IeDEAis joining Jonathan Golub of IeDEA Asia-Pacific as co-Chair of the Tuberculosis and Lung Health Working Group. Chad Achenbach of NA-ACCORD and Jessica Castilho, who works with both CCASAnet and NA-ACCORD, will co-Chair the Cancer Working Group. Our new TB-Sentinel Research Network will be co-Chaired by Olivier Marcy (West Africa) and Leslie Enane (East Africa), which will begin a multiregional, prospective cohort study across six IeDEA regions in 2021.
Thanks to our outgoing co-Chairs Amita Gupta (TB and Lung Health) and Julia Bohlius and Jeff Martin (Cancer) for their many years of support.