Mental Health

The Mental Health Work Group (MHWG) consists of representatives from each IeDEA region, as well as program staff from NIMH, NICHD and other NIH ICs. This working group will promote a scientific agenda related to the detection, assessment, understanding and treatment of mental health disorders within the context of HIV across IeDEA regions. Single or multiregional concepts proposing to utilize mental health data are reviewed by MHWG before final submission to the IeDEA Executive Committee. Mental health project concepts may be led by anyone within the working group.


  • To assess current mental health data collection efforts and mental health and HIV research concepts within IeDEA regions.
  • To promote, expand and enhance mental health data collection across IeDEA regions including measurement development, prevalence estimates and risk factor studies in order to identify modifiable targets for intervention.
  • To identify research gaps that can be addressed by the MHWG.
  • To promote evidence-based mental health screening and interventions throughout IeDEA.
  • To support multiregional efforts for analyses proposed by the MHWG.


Angela Parcesepe, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA

To contact the Working Group – please use the form below

Contact IeDEA Mental Health Group

Contact IeDEA Mental Health Group