Tuberculosis and Lung Health

The TB Working Group consists of representatives from each IeDEA region, as well as program staff from NIH, who will promote a scientific agenda related to the detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of HIV-related TB in adults and children. Tuberculosis project concepts may be led by anyone within the working group.


  • To understand the epidemiology of HIV-related TB.
  • To identify the prevalence, incidence and risk factors for drug resistance TB.
  • To conduct analyses on the diagnosis, clinical presentation and outcomes of TB in HIV-infected persons.
  • To assess the impact of TB on the natural course of HIV/AIDS as well as the impact of HIV infection on the pathogenesis of TB.
  • To answer questions related to both antiretroviral and anti-mycobacterial treatment in HIV-infected persons with TB.
  • To conduct analyses to answer questions on TB at the local, regional or cross regional levels.
  • To share the knowledge which IeDEA is uniquely able to gather on TB in large populations who are HIV infected and/or exposed to ARVs.


Jonathan Golub, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Marcel Yotebieng, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York, USA

To contact the Working Group – please use the form below

Contact IeDEA Tuberculosis Group

Contact IeDEA Tuberculosis Group